Listen to your gut-it has instinct- gut instinct


Listen to your gut-it has instinct- gut instinct

It is a grim tale of 3 episodes which wrecked my body and i learned valuable lessons

-Green apple and an overactive bladder

- Black coffee with dementation

-Tea laced with milk and lactose intolerance

– the gut rebelled– it had a toll on my bladder, mind and digestion- it took time for me to listen- I listened and I recovered.

Listen to your gut instincts always.

Green apple and an overactive bladder

Suddenly one fine morning– as i was seeing patients in my busy OPD– i had a frequent urge to pass urine– and it was burning as if some acid has been poured into my urethra- it was quite discomforting — as I could hardly come back to my seat -and had to rush back again to pass urine– before even the bladder could fill up.

Must be some infection — i thought– gave the urine for culture– it was absolutely sterile-.Next possibility — i thought that i might be dehydrated– after the morning run– gulped down litres of water– but– to no avail– it continued for the whole day– and the next–i thought — an enlarged prostate may be the culprit- the USG was clear–

To mitigate the burning sensation– and cut down the frequency– i tried to alkalinize the urine with –Potassium citrate and citric acid solution orally — and oral medications for hyperactive bladder– to no avail– suddenly it struck me– i had changed my diet–

i had switched to bitter green apples at breakfast– the acidity of the fruit had made my urine acidic– and was irritating my bladder–

 i switched to red apples– the effect was dramatic– the bladder cooled down- the urine frequency normalised and -i was back to normal– Gut speaks — try to hear it — choose the colour of your apples carefully.

Apples-choose your colour carefully

Black Coffee with dementation

Was hearing lots of benefits about drinking black coffee- i switched –

i developed a penchant for black coffee–About 6- 8 cups– before lunch– kept an electric kettle in a small table-by my side –and bought some exotic coffee powder– the smell of coffee is too invigorating — it just kick starts your day–

i did not realise that by the time it was afternoon i was jittery, impatient, multitasking, not able to concentrate — was having trouble getting to sleep during my afternoon siesta– i thought it was maybe due to increase in my OPD workload–

suddenly one day– we were driving on an holiday- so i decided to skip my morning black cup of coffee– as i did not want to take frequent toilet breaks along the highway- lo and behold– lunchtime came– i was cool, no anxiety, no impatience,my mind was absolutely clear, was pleasantly tired by the time i reached my destination- and had a good siesta– the caffeine was the culprit–of my jitteriness, of my demented afternoon state of mind.

i had failed to nail it– as i had failed to correlate what my body was screaming to tell me. Now my favourite drink is–infusion teas- comes at a cost –maybe acts as a placebo– but the mind remains stable.

Black coffee — had me

Herbal Tea-cooled me

Tea with milk and lactose intolerance

Stopped coffee — switched to tea– with milk–

i liked the taste of strong tea leaves — boiled in milk– during my morning exercise–

i religiously — made my tea– bought some expensive ones– and had them at breakfast–3–4 cups– and also after my afternoon siesta.

And then — sleeping, walking, waketime -i became a methane producing factory– belly bloating, emitting sound with different pitch , bass and tone, could play Beethovan from my backside –making the air polluted with musical sound and lethal foul odour from my backside –

One Sunday– i had an online examination– with hundreds of other doctors and competitors- — it was a closed room exam–and in the afternoon- i wanted to have a light brunch only of fruits and some infusion green tea so that i do not feel sleepy during my exams.

Lo and behold- the day went by- without a single fart, — skipped my tea with milk, stopped my buttermilk and yoghourt — lo and behold– bloating, flatulence, air and sound pollution — suddenly vanished– the silence was deafening –my exams went soundless and odourless- my spouse who was threatening me to shift to next bedroom– suddenly– was surprised by the turn of events–

the gut talks screams in silence, screaming at me of my lactose intolerance– sometimes with sounds– listen to it– now i miss the sounds — as my belly is comfortable– without bloating or malodour emissions after switching to lactose free products–now my favourite is– soya milk, almond butter and tofu.

And i am not afraid to get into a closed room with strangers.

Almond Butter


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