
Listen to your gut-it has instinct- gut instinct

  – Listen to your gut-it has instinct- gut instinct It is a grim tale of 3 episodes which wrecked my body and i learned valuable lessons -Green apple and an overactive bladder - B lack coffee with dementation - Tea laced with milk and lactose intolerance – the gut rebelled– it had a toll on my bladder, mind and digestion- it took time for me to listen- I listened and I recovered. Listen to your gut instincts always. G reen apple and an overactive bladder Suddenly one fine morning– as i was seeing patients in my busy OPD– i had a frequent urge to pass urine– and it was burning as if some acid has been poured into my urethra- it was quite discomforting — as I could hardly come back to my seat -and had to rush back again to pass urine– before even the bladder could fill up. Must be some infection — i thought– gave the urine for culture– it was absolutely sterile-.Next possibility — i thought that i might be dehydrated– after the morning run– gulped down litres of water– but– to no avail–

Nakki Lake- Mount Abu

I saw the lake at night– i saw it in the dusk–i saw it in the rising sun– i wished –i could freeze those moments for lifetime–i did- in my memories– to cherish them forever– We drove from Jodhpur– still basking in the memories of the Meherengarh fort– the road is too good– the last 20 km -from Abu Road is gentle–mountainous and hilly–to Mount Abu.    The Lake at night        The lake is located at the centre of the city– or the city has grown around the lake. The first night I was drawn – by the overcrowded commercial activity –as you enter the lake premises– activities like boating, trinket sellers, streetfood-jostle against each other to find place as do bawdy tourists– We tried the nighttime boating – booked a personal boat– costs around 500/ per person– for rowing you half the lake– tip the boatman 200/ more – he will take you around the whole lake– and it is worth it. The sight is surreal– as the dusk settles down– and the Aravalli hills outlined against the background–of a

3 lives and their rescue

The dog- who never failed me- For the last three years he had been faithfully coming to escort me from the car park –even during the COVID days– to my OPD– and always reappearing to say goodbye-he never asked for anything- his friendship was total - his wagging tail only revealed his emotions. Be it summer, winter and rain- he never made an excuse –he was there– we talked through our eyes– said goodbye once he left me in my department. One day I found him missing from the car park – I knew something was amiss- OPD was full of patients– soon I was listening to their rumblings–and I heard a low painful howl just outside my consulting room window. I was aghast.My fears had come true. I found him lying in a pool of blood – unable to move– there is something very pathetic about a hurt animal – they are like a paediatric patient– they cannot complain clearly– tell us where it hurts– it is depressing. Placed some food and water– he was hungry and thirsty– some car at the car park

The new kid in town–Plant Based Meat

File summary This document presents comprehensive information regarding plant-based meats, outlining their ingredients and production processes. It explores various types of plant-based proteins, such as textured vegetable protein (TVP), wheat gluten, pea protein, and tofu. In addition, it offers advice on how to effectively prepare and utilize these proteins for creating meat-like products such as burgers, sausages, nuggets, and bacon. Emphasising the advantages of consuming plant-based meat, including reduced saturated fat levels, elevated protein and fiber content, and potential risk reduction for certain diseases. The document strives to provide guidance and motivation for incorporating plant-based meats into a wholesome and environmentally-friendly diet. In conclusion, plant-based meat products offer substantial advantages in both environmental and health aspects compared to traditional meat products. With growing awareness of these benefits, the demand for plant-based meat is pr

My relation with money

It was always torrid- It took time to realise its importance - to enjoy life you need money, otherwise you could harp on hollow talks about detachment– to let go of materialistic things in life– and embrace spiritualism– you talk about such things only when you do not have enough money in your account. Initially first i used to spend money– and then whatever at month end ( nothing was left) i tried to save– i used to look at amusement at my friends who started saving –from their first pay and very soon they had bought immovable properties– things which bought happiness in later life and not – one night fun. My thoughts were that these talks of saving money were frivolous –there is only one life– enjoy it– we can save later when responsibilities come in– but I was wrong . Everything revolves around money. You can only enjoy your hobbies, your free time - once you stop worrying about your nest. So it was eating, drinking myself silly, splurging on fine dining and fine accessories– at

How I use my apps

Before apps came in –marketing Before the era of mobile applications, I used to thoroughly enjoy going to the bustling vegetable market in my childhood days. It was a delightful experience to grab a market bag, particularly on holidays, and immerse myself in the vibrant atmosphere. Despite the somewhat grim conditions, with the presence of cows nudging around and the occasional threat of being bitten by stray dogs or gored by bulls, I relished the opportunity to interact with the vendors and engage in spirited haggling. Even though I would occasionally fall victim to their tricks, I would return home feeling content. Afterward, I would dedicate both time and effort to thoroughly cleanse myself and the fresh produce from the market, ensuring everything was ready for storage. This routine always left me with a sense of satisfaction and fulfilment. As Tech stepped in marketing became a breeze Technology became a boon as we grew up and faced time constraints. Going to the market and f

My journey with pen

I had a fetish for pens– fountain pens . ``` During our childhood, the school emphasised the importance of beginning our writing journey with a fountain pen. They believed that using this instrument during our formative years would help us develop a clear and proper handwriting that would last a lifetime. However, despite practising cursive writing diligently, I seemed to be cursed when it came to achieving good handwriting. ``` But during the journey, I actually started liking fountain pens. Back in our childhood days, there were no fancy gadgets to fill the ink. You had to tilt the bottle and fill up the bottom half. And, inevitably, by the time you were done, your hands would be covered in blue or black ink from Camlin. We were prohibited from using ballpoint pens because it was believed they would negatively affect our handwriting. However, I have discovered that this belief was actually a myth. Ballpoint pens are neat, offer much better handwriting, and can be preserved. On th