Nakki Lake- Mount Abu

I saw the lake at night– i saw it in the dusk–i saw it in the rising sun– i wished –i could freeze those moments for lifetime–i did- in my memories– to cherish them forever– We drove from Jodhpur– still basking in the memories of the Meherengarh fort– the road is too good– the last 20 km -from Abu Road is gentle–mountainous and hilly–to Mount Abu. 

 The Lake at night 
    The lake is located at the centre of the city– or the city has grown around the lake. The first night I was drawn – by the overcrowded commercial activity –as you enter the lake premises– activities like boating, trinket sellers, streetfood-jostle against each other to find place as do bawdy tourists– We tried the nighttime boating – booked a personal boat– costs around 500/ per person– for rowing you half the lake– tip the boatman 200/ more – he will take you around the whole lake– and it is worth it. The sight is surreal– as the dusk settles down– and the Aravalli hills outlined against the background–of a dusk sky– the lake shimmers reflecting the periphery lights, gentle cold breeze, silence interrupted by the sound of oars–takes you to a different world . with the lighted tadpole rock against the skyline- the sound of the temple bells an evening aarti- resonating in the background– it is total peace.
The Lake at dawn 

I am an early morning riser by default–walked down to the lakefront at 0530 AM– not a single soul in sight– absolute silence– i started my morning walk– kudos to the administration– they have built a wonderful walking track- circumnavigating the lake– as i walked down the track– with the Aravallis on one side– the lake on the other– the sky began to lighten– the lake began to change color–as if the water was immersed in a alchemy of gold- even the fishes surfaced to watch– giving chances to birds of prey. The path is dotted by temples– a staircase which takes you to the tadpole rock–passing a cave– where Swami Vivekananda had meditated-. I was halfway through my walk– the sun touched the horizon– there were strategically placed benches– to appreciate the sight– i sat down mesmerised– it was a little chilly – from the far end of the lake– the sight was heavenly–– a thing i had never done before– breaking the rhythm of my walk. One side was the Aravallis-outlined by the morning sun, the lake coming to life in the middle , and the tadpole rock – towering over at the far distance, punctuated by the whoops of the monkey, the sweet smell of the champa – you transcend into a haven of peace and tranquillity- i rose after the sun rose fully– and took the walk around– with the swans and the monkeys and the temple bells accompanying me..


The lake at Dusk

I was back at dusk– as i was mesmerised by its beauty– here as the evening settled in and the sun disappeared around the horizon– the scene was memorable– as the street lights came on with an orange hue– and the temple bells begin to ring– the lake changed its color– reflecting the sky– and finally the darkness fell as the lake started shimmering the street lights.

The lake– seeing it in its different hue in different times of the day is a sight to die for– a vision which would be etched throughout your life– with the promise that i would be back again–   


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