Morning walkers--it's pleasure watching them

Carpe Diem– only the morning walkers are capable of- Go for a techfree walk, without your headphones, mobile phones– then you will observe the surroundings– the flowers , the plants, the sky, the sights and sounds of your fellow walkers– Every walker which you pass by tells you a story– by their gait, accessories,by their company they keep, by catching a snippet from their talks. You can typecast them and it is a fun - The serious ones–There is a group of walkers who take their morning walk very seriously,-- they have multiple contraceptions around the body, – intermittently checking each gadget for performance, speed, calories, – with earplugs on to shut out external diversions– perfect high end shoes for running, and the apparel– are too good.I like their well chiselled , fat free profile– but am not ready to emulate it– as it comes with a high price tag– for them health becomes an obsession–the idea of being healthy devours them. The childhood friends–Then comes a selection of morning walk who walk in groups– childhood friends, easygoing walk enjoying anecdotes, small talks- and enjoying each other company- it is fun hearing their snippets as you pass by.i realise the small talks, pulling each other legs is what keeps them alive. They bring a smile to your face. The selfie millennials -Then comes the morning walkers who generally visit the park once in a year– generally the youngsters– all bedecked up- for their instagram reels only– because at this age we believe in the immortality of health and life– so exercise becomes the last priority.Most of us do not realise the value of health and time till it is gone. The conjugal ones-Then comes the couples- cordant and discordant depending upon the duration of their marriage. The level of communication is directly proportional to the duration of their marriage-among them it is a pleasure to see a few couples whose infatuation of young age has evolved into old age love and bond has become stronger– i envy them– there is an aura of peace and tranquillity around them. The rogues-Then comes a section of people who after years of borrowed health in form of drinking, unhealthy diet, resultant obesity and comorbidities- suddenly wake up one morning to say enough is enough– its time to reverse the cycle–for some it is not late– but for some– i doubt– but persistence pays. The genial ones–There is a very small minority of walkers especially elderly who wish everyone with a lovely smile and -Jai Shri Ram– i make a point to wish them back– and give a smile– it makes me feel at the top of the world. The giveaway Faces–Their faces sometimes reveal their escapades the night before– puffy and red eyes and a bloated face indicates–a good drinking bout the night before and the morning walk is just a penance for his last night sins. A satisfied face with a satiated smile and all wet cat’s whiskers means he had an enjoyable union. The clubs–I like the motley group of people who form yoga clubs– sometimes i join them for exercise– i cannot meditate- my mind is too frisky for that- suryanamaskar and pranayam is enough for me to get going for the day. Then there is another group – laughter club– it is infectious- as you walk by them you automatically break into a smile and a grin. I like the musical group the most– the group sings their heart out on karaoke -oblivious of the world, and a second group who does aerobic on modern hindi songs– i join them– and it tells how unfit i am as far body mobility is concerned. The outdoors ones–And i salute the parents who have succeeded in unhooking their kids from the screen as they are enjoying the fun of badminton, frisby, cricket. The accessories–I really like the head accessories- caps at different angles, colorful bandanas with hair peaking out , ponytailed millennials. And so are the wrist accessories– the heavy stylish watches of yesteryears have given way to fitness bands- some still listen to music on their phones– some through their earbuds and the oldies are stil stuck to wired headphones. All in all a techfree morning walk - is a pleasure for the eyes and the mind.


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