
Showing posts from March, 2017

A Space Odyssey

I am blogging my #ColgateMagicalstories at <a href=" "> BlogAdda </a> in association with <a href=" in/en/in/oc ">Colgate </a>. It was a quiet summer evening when my eight year old daughter was watching the oscar winning movie--"Martian" with me on our home theatre--eyes wide in childhood fantasy and trepidation, and she was filled with umpteen questions about space travel, and therefore it was a boon when i received the cut outs from Colgate and showed it to her as we settled down to explore space through the wonderful paper cut outs. Her first query about how to go into space as she said as the space is a very lonesome place to be, she would like to take her  friends along with her and would like to swim in the air , and wear new suits before going into that weird airplane and get into the space with her friends. She said she would carry lots of chocolates and maggi so that she do...