Wednesday, April 26, 2023

The subtle signs of addiction and substance abuse

I. Introduction  Importance of recognizing subtle signs of addiction and substance abuse Recognizing subtle signs of addiction is vital for • early intervention, • preventing health risks. • reducing harm. • promoting mental health. • supporting recovery. How to recognize the subtle signs of addiction /substance abuse? 1: Changes in Behavior • Increased secrecy and withdrawal: The person may become more secretive, evasive, or withdrawn, avoiding social interactions and isolating themselves from loved ones. • Changes in personal hygiene and grooming: Neglecting personal hygiene, grooming, and appearance can be a sign of declining self-care due to addiction or substance abuse. • Changes in sleep patterns: Disrupted sleep patterns, such as insomnia or oversleeping, can be indicative of substance abuse or addiction-related issues. • Changes in appetite and weight: Appetite changes, such as loss of appetite or increased cravings for certain foods. • Changes in mood and emotional instability: Mood swings, irritability, agitation, or unexplained changes in emotional state. • Decline in performance or neglect of responsibilities: Decreased performance at work, school, or other responsibilities, neglecting personal and professional obligations, and declining interest in previously enjoyed activities can indicate addiction or substance abuse taking priority. • Financial difficulties: Unexplained financial difficulties, such as uncontrolled spending, borrowing money, or selling possessions, may indicate addiction-related financial strain. • Changes in social circles: Sudden changes in social circles, loss of old friendships, and forming new relationships with individuals who exhibit risky behaviors can be indicative of substance abuse or addiction. • Increased risk-taking behaviors: Engaging in risky behaviors, such as reckless driving, unsafe sexual practices, or impulsive actions, can be a sign of addiction-related impaired judgment. • Denial and defensiveness: Being defensive, denying or minimizing concerns about substance use, and avoiding discussions about addiction or substance abuse can be subtle behavioral changes indicating a problem. • Statistic with Source: According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), sudden changes in behavior can be a sign of addiction, with approximately 65% of individuals with substance use disorder experiencing mood swings or shifts in personality. (Source: 2: Physical Signs • Bloodshot eyes or pupils that are either constricted (small) or dilated (large), which may indicate the use of stimulants, opioids, or other substances that affect the eyes and pupils. • Unexplained bruises, needle marks, or track marks on arms, legs, or other parts of the body, which may suggest injection drug use. • Changes in skin complexion or texture, such as pale, flushed, or sallow skin, acne, or sores that do not heal, which may result from the use of substances that affect the skin, such as stimulants, opioids, or drugs taken through the skin. • Changes in weight, either weight loss or weight gain, which may be related to changes in appetite or metabolism caused by substance abuse. • Poor dental hygiene or dental problems, including tooth decay, gum disease, or missing teeth, which can result from the use of substances that affect oral health, such as methamphetamine, opioids, or substances that cause dry mouth. • Changes in speech patterns or slurred speech, which may indicate the use of substances that affect speech, such as alcohol, sedatives, or central nervous system depressants. • Changes in coordination or balance, including stumbling, unsteady gait, or tremors, which may be indicative of the use of substances that impair motor skills, such as alcohol, sedatives, or opioids. • Changes in body odor or personal hygiene, including unusual or pungent odors, neglect of personal grooming, or uncleanliness, which may result from changes in self-care associated with substance abuse. Statistic with Source: The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) reports that physical changes, such as bloodshot eyes, poor personal hygiene, or changes in weight, can be indicative of substance abuse in approximately 50% of cases. (Source: 3: Social Withdrawal • Decreased participation in social activities: The person may withdraw from social activities, hobbies, or interests that they previously enjoyed, and show a lack of interest or motivation to engage in social interactions. • Loss of interest in relationships: The person may lose interest in maintaining relationships with friends, family, or other loved ones, and may avoid social gatherings or events. • Increased isolation: The person may spend more time alone or isolate themselves from others, avoiding social situations and preferring to be alone. • Neglect of responsibilities: The person may neglect responsibilities at work, school, or home, and may have a decline in performance or engagement in social or community roles. • Changes in social circles: The person may disengage from their usual social circle and start associating with a new group of friends who also engage in substance abuse, or may withdraw from social interactions altogether. • Avoidance of social scrutiny: The person may actively avoid situations where their substance abuse may be scrutinized or questioned, such as avoiding family gatherings, social events, or gatherings where substance use may be discouraged. • Increased secrecy: The person may become more secretive about their activities, whereabouts, and behaviors, and may avoid sharing information about their substance use or addiction with others. • Decreased communication: The person may have a decrease in communication with friends, family, or other loved ones, and may not respond to calls, texts, or messages as frequently as before. • Changes in online presence: The person may exhibit changes in their online presence, such as decreased social media activity, avoiding posting pictures or updates, or withdrawing from online social interactions. Conclusion Comprehensive approaches are crucial to address these multifaceted impacts, including prevention, early intervention, treatment, and support for individuals struggling with addiction, as well as addressing the broader societal consequences through policy, education, and community engagement.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

5 Lifehacks to Enhance Your Relationships through Integrity and Honesty

I. Introduction Integrity and honesty are the two pillars on the strength of which an everlasting relationship is built. • Honesty and transparency creates a foundation of trust which builds a sense of security and safety in the relationship. Your honest communication leads to more productive and meaningful conversations and find solutions easily. • Respect: Honesty and integrity also demonstrate that you respect your partner and value your relationship. It shows that you are willing to be vulnerable and authentic, which can deepen your emotional connection and create a more meaningful bond. • Accountability: When you make a mistake or hurt your partner, owning up to it and being honest about it can help you take responsibility for your actions and show your commitment to the relationship. This can lead to increased forgiveness and understanding between partners. Overall, integrity and honesty are essential qualities in any healthy relationship. They create a strong foundation of trust, respect, and communication, which can help you and your partner build a lasting and fulfilling partnership. Tip 1: Speak truthfully, even when it's difficult • Set the intention: Before having a difficult conversation, set the intention to be truthful and honest with your partner. Remind yourself of the importance of open communication in your relationship and the potential long-term consequences of avoiding or sugarcoating the truth. • Choose the right time and place: Choose a time and place where both you and your partner can have privacy, peace, and ample time to talk without interruptions. Avoid having difficult conversations when either of you is stressed, tired, or distracted. • Use "I" statements: When expressing your thoughts or feelings, use "I" statements instead of "you" statements. For example, say "I feel hurt when..." instead of "You always make me feel hurt when...". This helps to express your perspective without sounding accusatory, which can minimize defensiveness in your partner. • Be specific and clear: Clearly articulate the issue or concern you want to address. Avoid vague or generalized statements. • Listen actively: Effective communication involves not only expressing yourself but also actively listening to your partner. Give them the opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings without interrupting or getting defensive. Show empathy and validate their emotions, even if you disagree. • Avoid blame or criticism: Blaming or criticizing your partner can put them on the defensive and hinder open communication. Instead of blaming or criticizing, focus on expressing your own thoughts, feelings, and needs. Use a non-judgmental tone and avoid attacking your partner personally. • Be prepared for discomfort: Difficult conversations can evoke strong emotions, and it's important to be prepared for that. Accept that it may be uncomfortable or challenging, and be willing to navigate through those emotions with your partner. Take breaks if needed, but commit to coming back to the conversation. • Seek solutions together: The goal of speaking truthfully with your partner is not to win an argument, but to find a resolution or a way forward. Brainstorm potential solutions together and be open to compromise. Focus on finding common ground and working towards a mutually satisfactory outcome. • Practice patience and kindness: Difficult conversations can be emotionally charged, but it's important to practice patience and kindness towards your partner. Avoid using derogatory language, insults, or sarcasm. Treat your partner with respect and remember that you care about them and your relationship. • Follow up and follow through: After the conversation, make sure to follow up on any agreements or commitments made. If further action is needed, take appropriate steps to follow through. This shows your sincerity and builds trust in the relationship. Speaking truthfully with your partner, even when it is difficult, requires courage, vulnerability, and empathy. It may not always be easy, but it is a vital aspect of healthy communication in a relationship. Remember to approach the conversation with sincerity, respect, and a willingness to find solutions together. Tip 2: Listen actively & acknowledge your partner's perspective • Be present: Give your full attention to your partner when they are speaking. Put away distractions such as your phone or other devices, and make eye contact. Show through your body language that you are fully present and ready to listen. • Avoid interrupting: Let your partner express their thoughts and feelings without interrupting. • Avoid jumping in with your own opinions or assumptions. Instead, patiently wait for them to finish speaking before responding. • Avoid judgment: Suspend judgment and avoid making assumptions about what your partner is saying. Listen with an open mind, and try to understand their perspective without immediately evaluating or criticizing it. Allow them to express themselves freely. • Paraphrase and summarize: After your partner has spoken, paraphrase or summarize what they said to show that you were actively listening. This helps to clarify your understanding and shows your partner that you are genuinely trying to comprehend their perspective. • Ask clarifying questions: If you are unclear about something your partner said, ask for clarification. Avoid making assumptions and instead seek to understand their perspective more deeply by asking open-ended questions that encourage them to elaborate. • Reflect on emotions: Pay attention to your partner's emotions and reflect on them. Acknowledge their feelings, even if you may not agree with their perspective. Show empathy and understanding towards their emotions, as emotions play a significant role in communication. • Use validating language: Use language that validates your partner's perspective and feelings. Phrases like "I understand," "That must be challenging for you," or "I hear what you're saying" can convey empathy and acknowledgement of their perspective. • Avoid defensiveness: Be mindful of your own defensiveness and avoid reacting defensively when your partner shares their perspective, even if it differs from yours. Take a deep breath, stay calm, and avoid becoming defensive, as it can shut down open communication. • Be patient: Active listening and acknowledging your partner's perspective may take time and effort. Be patient and allow your partner to fully express themselves, even if it takes longer than expected. Avoid rushing or interrupting. • Practice empathy: Put yourself in your partner's shoes and try to understand their thoughts, feelings, and experiences from their perspective. Show genuine empathy towards their emotions and concerns, and avoid invalidating or dismissing their feelings. By actively listening and acknowledging your partner's perspective, you create a safe and respectful environment for open communication in your relationship. It helps to foster mutual understanding, empathy, and trust, which are essential for building a healthy and strong relationship. Remember to practice patience, empathy, and respect towards your partner's perspective, even if you may not agree with it. Tip 3: Be accountable for your actions & take responsibility for mistakes It helps in • building trust, • fostering healthy communication, • maintaining a strong partnership. Here are some steps you can take to be accountable and take responsibility for mistakes with your partner: • Acknowledge your mistake: Recognize and acknowledge your mistake without making excuses or deflecting blame. Be honest with yourself and your partner about what you did wrong and how it may have impacted them. • Apologize sincerely: Offer a sincere apology to your partner for your mistake. Show genuine remorse and express your desire to make amends. Avoid half-hearted apologies or placing blame on external factors. • Listen to your partner: Be open to hearing your partner's perspective and how your mistake has affected them. Practice active listening by giving them your full attention, refraining from interrupting, and showing empathy towards their feelings and concerns. • Take ownership: Accept full responsibility for your actions and the consequences that resulted from your mistake. Avoid making excuses or blaming others. Acknowledge that you have control over your choices and actions, and that you are committed to making amends. • Make amends: Take steps to rectify the situation and make amends to your partner. This may involve offering restitution, finding solutions to fix any problems caused, and taking actions to prevent similar mistakes in the future. • Learn from the experience: Reflect on what led to your mistake and identify what you can learn from it. Use it as an opportunity for personal growth and self-improvement. Share your insights and what you've learned with your partner to show your commitment to positive change. • Be proactive in rebuilding trust: Rebuilding trust takes time and effort. Be proactive in demonstrating trustworthy behavior, such as keeping your promises, being reliable, and being transparent in your communication. Be patient and consistent in your efforts to rebuild trust with your partner. • Communicate openly and honestly: Maintain open and honest communication with your partner about your progress, challenges, and feelings. Be willing to listen to your partner's concerns and provide reassurance and updates on your efforts to be accountable and take responsibility for your mistakes. Accountability and taking responsibility for mistakes in a relationship require humility, self-awareness, and a commitment to making amends. It is a process that takes time and effort, but it can lead to growth, healing, and a stronger bond with your partner. Remember, everyone makes mistakes, but how you handle them can make a big difference in the health and longevity of your relationship. Tip 4: Prioritize transparency & open communication • Set the foundation: From the beginning of your relationship, establish a culture of transparency and open communication. Discuss with your partner the importance of being honest, open, and transparent with each other. Agree on ground rules for communication, such as not keeping secrets, being honest about your feelings, and actively listening to each other. • Foster trust: Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship. Be trustworthy and reliable in your words and actions. Keep your promises, be consistent, and avoid dishonesty or manipulation. Trust takes time to build, so be patient and consistent in your efforts to foster trust in your relationship. • Be honest: Honesty is a cornerstone of transparency. Be honest with your partner, even if it's uncomfortable or difficult. Avoid lying, hiding information, or being deceptive. Instead, express your thoughts, feelings, and concerns openly and honestly. Encourage your partner to do the same and create a safe space where honesty is valued and respected. • Active listening: Listening is a crucial aspect of effective communication. Practice active listening by giving your partner your full attention, maintaining eye contact, and avoiding interruptions. Show empathy and understanding towards your partner's perspective, and avoid jumping to conclusions or making assumptions. Repeat back what you've heard to confirm your understanding and clarify any misunderstandings. • Express emotions: Be open and honest about your emotions, both positive and negative. Share your joys, fears, and vulnerabilities with your partner. Encourage your partner to do the same and provide a supportive and non-judgmental space for each other to express emotions freely. • Resolve conflicts constructively: Conflicts are inevitable in any relationship. When conflicts arise, approach them with a problem-solving mindset. Avoid blaming, criticizing, or attacking your partner. Instead, express your concerns respectfully and work together to find solutions. Listen to each other's perspectives and strive for a win-win outcome. • Regular check-ins: Make it a habit to have regular check-ins with your partner to assess the state of your relationship. Discuss how you're feeling, what's going well, and what areas need improvement. Encourage feedback from your partner and be open to constructive criticism. Regular check-ins can help you identify any issues or concerns early on and address them proactively. • Be approachable: Create an environment where your partner feels comfortable approaching you with any concerns, questions, or thoughts. Avoid defensiveness, judgment, or criticism. Instead, be approachable, patient, and understanding. Show genuine interest in your partner's thoughts and feelings, and respond with kindness and respect. • Respect boundaries: Each person has their own boundaries and privacy needs. Respect your partner's boundaries and communicate your own clearly. Avoid invading each other's privacy or prying into each other's personal matters without permission. Recognize and honor each other's need for personal space and autonomy. Continuously improve communication skills: Communication is a skill that can be improved over time. Educate yourself on effective communication techniques, such as assertive communication, active listening, and conflict resolution. Continuously work on improving your communication skills and encourage your partner to do the same. Tip 5: Practice empathy & show understanding towards your partner's feelings • Listen actively: When your partner shares their feelings, give them your full attention. Put aside distractions and truly listen to what they are saying. Avoid interrupting or jumping to conclusions. Allow them to express themselves fully without judgment or criticism. • Validate their feelings: Acknowledge and validate your partner's emotions. Let them know that their feelings are valid and understandable, even if you may not fully agree or feel the same way. Use phrases like "I understand," "That must be tough," or "I hear you" to show empathy and validation. • Show compassion: Show kindness and compassion towards your partner's emotions. Avoid dismissing or minimizing their feelings, even if you don't fully understand or agree with them. Express genuine care and concern for their emotional state. • Put yourself in their shoes: Try to see things from your partner's perspective. Imagine how they might be feeling and what they might be experiencing. Consider their background, experiences, and emotions that might be influencing their feelings. This can help you develop empathy and understanding towards their emotions. • Reflect back their emotions: Reflect back your partner's emotions to them to show that you are truly understanding their feelings. Use phrases like "It sounds like you're feeling..." or "I can see that you're really upset about..." to reflect their emotions and demonstrate that you are actively trying to understand their perspective. • Ask open-ended questions: Ask open-ended questions to encourage your partner to express themselves further. Avoid leading or judgmental questions, and instead, ask questions that invite your partner to share more about their feelings and experiences. This can help you gain a deeper understanding of their emotions. • Express empathy through body language: Non-verbal cues can also convey empathy. Use supportive body language, such as maintaining eye contact, nodding in agreement, and providing comforting touches (if appropriate) to show that you are present and engaged in understanding your partner's feelings. • Avoid criticism or judgment: Refrain from criticizing, blaming, or judging your partner's feelings. Everyone has the right to their emotions, and it's important to create a safe space where your partner feels comfortable sharing their feelings without fear of being judged or criticized. • Offer support: Offer your support to your partner in a genuine and compassionate manner. Ask them how you can help or be there for them. Let them know that you are there to support them in any way you can. • Practice patience and tolerance: Remember that emotions can be complex and sometimes irrational. Be patient and tolerant towards your partner's feelings, even if they don't make sense to you. Avoid invalidating or dismissing their emotions, and instead, strive to understand and support them. By practicing empathy and showing understanding towards your partner's feelings, you can build a deeper emotional connection and create a healthy and supportive relationship. It requires active listening, compassion, and a willingness to understand your partner's emotions without judgment. Remember that empathy is a skill that can be developed over time with practice, and it's a valuable tool in building strong and meaningful relationships.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

The Role of Resilience in Achieving Success in Life:

The Role of Resilience in Achieving Success in Life: 1. Resilience helps us overcome challenges in life and helps us bounce back from setbacks.People with resilience are not averse to challenges in life and they tackle them head on and reversing them thus coming out winners in life. 2. Resilience is essential for growth: Resilient people are not bogged down by failures. These people see failure as an opportunity to learn and grow, rather than as a sign of defeat. 3. Resilience leads to greater success: People who are resilient handle the adversities of life very well . They are able to maintain a positive attitude and stay focused on their objectives, even in the face of adversity. To become resilient • it is important to adopt a growth mindset, • be willing to take risks, • and learn from mistakes. • Resilient people surround themselves with a supportive network of friends and family, and are able to ask for help when needed. • They also take care of their physical and mental health, and prioritize self-care. Advantages of becoming resilient: 1. Resilience Helps Us Overcome Challenges •Actionable tip:  Develop a growth mindset and focus on the positives in difficult situations.  Embrace challenges: Instead of avoiding challenges, embrace them as opportunities for growth and learning.  Learn from failure: Failure is an opportunity to learn from mistakes and grow from them.  Cultivate a positive outlook: Focus on the positives in any situation, no matter how difficult it may seem.  Practice gratitude: Cultivate a sense of gratitude by regularly acknowledging and appreciating the good things in your life.  Surround yourself with positive influences: Surround yourself with people who have a positive outlook on life and who encourage and support you in your goals.  Keep learning: Continue to learn and grow, even in difficult situations. This helps to keep your mind active and engaged, and provides opportunities for personal and professional development. •Mistakes to avoid to become resilient:  Ignoring or denying challenges instead of facing them head-on.  Personal growth: When you face challenges, you have the opportunity to learn new things and develop new skills. This can help you grow as a person and become more resilient in the face of future challenges.  Increased confidence: Successfully overcoming challenges can increase your self-confidence and belief in your abilities.  Improved problem-solving skills: When you face a challenge, you must find a way to solve it. This can improve your problem-solving skills and make you better equipped to handle future challenges.  Expanded comfort zone: By facing challenges, you step out of your comfort zone and try new things. This can expand your comfort zone and make you more open to taking on new challenges in the future.  Accomplishment and satisfaction: Overcoming a challenge can provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. This can boost your mood and provide motivation to take on future challenges.  In short, facing challenges head on can help you grow as a person, increase your confidence, improve your problem-solving skills, expand your comfort zone, and provide a accomplished life. •Statistics:  A study by the American Psychological Association found that people who are more resilient are more likely to report having good mental health.  Case study 1: J.K. Rowling's journey from unemployed single mother to best-selling author.  Case study 2: Oprah Winfrey's experience of growing up in poverty and facing abuse, but eventually becoming a media mogul and philanthropist. 2. Resilience is Essential for Growth • Actionable tip:  Embrace failure as a learning opportunity and reflect on what you can do differently next time.  Reframe your perspective: Instead of viewing failure as a personal shortcoming or a reflection of your worth, view it as an opportunity to learn and grow.  Identify the lessons learned: Take time to reflect on the situation and identify what went wrong and what could have been done differently.  Don't dwell on the past: While it's important to reflect on failure, it's equally important not to dwell on it. Instead, focus on what you can do differently next time.  Seek feedback: Talk to others who were involved in the situation and seek feedback. This can help you gain a different perspective and identify areas for improvement.  Develop a growth mindset: Cultivate a growth mindset by focusing on progress and improvement rather than perfection. This helps you to see failure as an opportunity to learn and grow.  Take action: Once you've identified the lessons learned, take action to apply them in the future. This can help you to avoid making the same mistakes and improve your chances of success. By following these tips, you can embrace failure as a learning opportunity and reflect on what you can do differently next time. Remember that failure is a natural part of the learning process, and by embracing it, you can become a stronger and more resilient person. • Mistake to avoid to promote growth:  Viewing failure as a permanent setback instead of a stepping stone to success.  Focus on the positives: When you experience failure, focus on the positives. What did you learn from the experience? What can you do differently next time? By focusing on the positives, you can see failure as a stepping stone to success.  Cultivate resilience: Cultivate resilience by viewing failure as a temporary setback. This can help you to bounce back from failure more quickly and continue moving forward toward your goals.  Practice self-compassion: Practice self-compassion by being kind and understanding with yourself when you experience failure. Remember that failure is a natural part of the learning process, and that everyone experiences it at some point.  Take action: Once you've learned from the failure, take action. Use the lessons you've learned to make changes and move forward. This can help you to turn failure into success. By following these tips, you can view failure as a stepping stone to success rather than a permanent setback. Remember that failure is a necessary part of the learning process, and that by embracing it, you can become a stronger and more successful person. •Statistics:  According to a survey by IBM, 72% of CEOs believe that the ability to adapt to change and resilience are more important than technical skills.  Case study 1: Thomas Edison's thousands of attempts to invent the light bulb before finally succeeding.  Case study 2: Michael Jordan's experience of being cut from his high school basketball team, but using it as motivation to become one of the greatest players of all time. 3.Resilience Leads to Greater Success • Actionable tip:  Set realistic goals and maintain a positive attitude, even in the face of adversity.  Start with a positive mindset: Cultivate a positive mindset by focusing on your strengths, practicing gratitude, and reframing negative thoughts. This can help you to approach challenges with positivity and resilience.  Set SMART goals: Set goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This helps you to create clear goals that are realistic and achievable.  Break goals into manageable steps: Break larger goals into smaller, manageable steps. This can help you to maintain motivation and progress towards your goals.  Use positive self-talk: Use positive self-talk to maintain a positive attitude. This can help you to stay focused and motivated, even in the face of adversity.  Celebrate progress: Celebrate your progress along the way, no matter how small. This helps you to maintain a positive attitude and stay motivated towards achieving your goals.  Learn from setbacks: When setbacks occur, take them as an opportunity to learn and adjust your approach. This can help you to stay on track and maintain a positive attitude.  Surround yourself with positive people: Surround yourself with positive people who support and encourage you. This can help you to maintain a positive attitude and stay motivated towards achieving your goals. • Mistake to avoid:  Allowing setbacks to derail you from your path to success.  Reframe your perspective: Instead of seeing setbacks as failures, reframe them as learning opportunities. This can help you to approach setbacks with a more positive mindset and focus on what you can learn from the experience.  Practice resilience: Cultivate resilience by focusing on your strengths, practicing self-care, and seeking support from others when needed. This can help you to bounce back from setbacks more quickly and continue on your path towards success.  Revisit your goals: Revisit your goals and make any necessary adjustments. This can help you to stay focused and motivated towards achieving your goals, even in the face of setbacks.  Develop a plan of action: Develop a plan of action for how to move forward after a setback. This can help you to stay on track and avoid getting derailed by the setback.  Stay positive: Maintain a positive attitude and focus on the progress you've made towards achieving your goals. This can help you to stay motivated and overcome setbacks.  Keep moving forward: Finally, keep moving forward. Don't let setbacks hold you back from achieving your goals. Stay focused and determined, and remember that setbacks are a natural part of any journey towards success. •Statistic:  A study by the University of Pennsylvania found that people who have high levels of resilience are more likely to achieve their goals and experience personal growth.  Case study 1: Steve Jobs' experience of being fired from Apple, but eventually returning and transforming the company into a tech giant.  Case study 2: Serena Williams' journey of overcoming injuries and setbacks to become one of the greatest tennis players of all time. In conclusion, resilience is a crucial quality for achieving success in life. By developing resilience, we can overcome challenges, grow and learn from our failures, and ultimately lead more fulfilling and satisfying lives.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

How our lives changed when the COVID pandemic struck

It was a time: when you realized that you could sustain yourself on half of your monthly budget--with petrol bills- down to negligible, no more costly weekend dinners and the multiplex movies and malls. when the masks took the smile out of your lips and planted it on your eyes, the eyeliners and eye mascara were in vogue while the lipsticks and the lipliners faded away. when you realized that the small stretch of balcony is more than enough to burn your daily calories and so does a cotton yoga mat is more than a substitute for your fancy neighborhood gym. when vanity went out for a toss -and you realized you can survive with curated minimalism in clothes and devices without pandering to the capitalist propaganda and ads . when you realized the virus had no friends. when technology proved supreme -Apps-- grocery , swiggy -- they bought the malls at your doorsteps. when it was a field day for introverts--alone but not lonely -happy to be esconed with their songs and books but the pandemic crushed their resolve too--doom scrolling pulled them down into vortex of negativity--even they longed for human touch and fresh air. when you realized the futility of fine dining -Per meal 3000/ and the value of cheap and hygienic home cooked meal. when you realized the futility of physical expensive conferences to gain knowledge but a simple webinar from the comfort of your home is enough- where you get the flexibility of time, dress, speakers. when you realized- the value of Books which became a major lifeline of sustenance--it took us to a world of realism and fantasy temporarily letting us forget the world of apocalypse. when the Amazon cart was suddenly filled with goods of need rather than goods of greed from impulsive buying. when the biggest casualty was mental health--the millennial generation surprisingly coped up well-- it was the older generation which suffered as they were more used to physical touch and in person conversation while the millennial generation had metaversed themselves. They were living in a world of virtual reality. when you realized the value of meditation -- and you realize how fickle your attention has grown that it was hard to concentrate even on ten consecutive deep breathes till your mind was flooded with wanton thoughts and you had to drag it back when Covid just pulled down our sneer of false vanity-- the need for external validation vanished and it was replaced by internal validation . when the old adage seemed so true "Prevention is better than cure" came back into vogue-- hand hygiene, mask hygiene, social distancing became the mantra of the day and people perfected the art of hand washing- could rattle out the advantages and disadvantages of different types of masks and even perfected the art of predicting the trajectory of your post sneezing droplets . when suddenly you found money in your hands - and the trend to--first earn,then spend and then save the residual money --- changed to earn, save, where to spend? -save more. when we learnt the value of online shopping --be it grocery, food from your favorite restaurant, clothes, cosmetics came to the fore during COVID times--you realize the convenience of doorstep delivery--with minimal exposure to the virus-- the initial phobia of leaving the delivery untouched went away as more and more scientific facts of disease transmission came out. when technology came to your rescue-the internet literally saved the human race from extinction.With a touch of a key you could do everything -- from financials, to marketing, But human memory is shortlived as soon as the threat of pandemic went way-- everything went back to normal, masking,hand hygiene, partying, spending as after all we are a social animal. We need human touch to survive, we need to visit new places, we need to make new connections. Actually God gave us a chance to stop, take stock of ourselves, learn lessons, rewire and then proceed again --starting afresh.

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Prevention is better than cure. My painful journey with my decayed tooth

I was longingly looking online at the electric toothbrush available at a 30% discount, promising to give a plaque free dentitition and a perfect sparkling smile, with the same intensity as a bald man would look at a hair dryer or a curler. The only thing missing in the whole picture was my tooth—you do not realise the importance of something in life, such as health, wealth, teeth, hair, or love, until they abandon you; therefore, nurture them with care—then they will be yours for life—both virtues and vices. The tooth is one of the most essential parts of our body because it actually lets us enjoy the different tastes of life. Food is the essence of survival, and unless it is presented in the right form at the table and in the right form by the teeth to the palate, the whole beauty of a cuisine is lost. And not to mention the power of that beatific smile—with a perfect set of teeth—it can launch or destroy a thousand ships. And we have taken the maintenance of the teeth for granted since childhood; persistent cajoling in childhood to brush your teeth before going to bed in a proper way falls on deaf ears. The main aim of brushing remains just to get rid of the bad taste in the mouth and to kick start the day; hardly a minute is spent on the act, and the mouth is rinsed away in a hurry -- an irritable early morning chore. No preventive measures are taken until they become a source of pain and go beyond retrieval. Dentist visits are ignored, as are any efforts to develop the proper way of brushing the teeth, until the sheen is lost and a black plaque signals the beginning of the end of the teeth. But life carries on until the decay and the caries reach the root or the pulp, or until it hurts you, as it happens in life. Bad habits are very easy to build up but very hard to get rid of, and they accumulate until they finally erupt into a painful quagmire from which it is difficult to turn around. The black plaque is ignored, the brushing habits remain the same, the caried teeth careen in glee as the embedded bacteria has a gala time, and no preventive or curative measures are taken till it begins nibbling on the pulp and the pain begins. A toothache is one of the most gnawing and unbearable pains—shooting at times, gnawing at others—and a dull background of uneasiness always remains like a nagging partner. Then the travails at the dentist begin, and now you realise the actual value of a dentist and a dentist chair. Like in medicine, you have different specialisations, so do the dentists, who specialise in different aspects of dental care. You get an array of options, from the masculine Alfa maxillofacial surgeons who are adept at wiring your facial fractures to the cosmetic prosthodontists trying to give you a perfect smile. You have a cafeteria full of choices. The dentist chair is one of the most comfortable reclining ones, and if you have been properly anaesthetized, you soon pass into a deep slumber while the dentist is sweating around with his array of instruments and his assistant is busy suctioning off the debris so that you do not gag. My journey in the dental world was through RCT, or root canal treatment, and dental extraction. Root canal treatment -- the dentist desperately tries to save your caries teeth by making it painless by removing the pulp and the nerves painstakingly root by root in multiple weekly sittings till your teeth become totally painless -- and then they apply a crowning glory -- well, I went so late that despite repeated painstaking multiple efforts by the dentist, the teeth were beyond redemption and refused to become painless, and I landed up with extraction -- injected with local anesthesia, you are blissfully unaware of the pain -- until about half an hour later when the effect starts weaning off and the pain comes back in full force -- And by dinner time, you are fully loaded with painkillers, have swollen gums, and are feeling hungry on a liquid diet. A week of liquid to semisolid food to let the wound heal—no forceful swishing lest you dislodge the clot—and the hollow space slowly closes down, leaving behind toothless gum. If it is the molars, you forget to chew, and if it is the premolars, you forget to smile. It takes two months for the local area to heal so that a perfect denture can be given as you pass on to the prosthodentist, who takes a soft impression of your tooth, and the cast is sent to the dental lab for making a perfect denture. And lo and behold, your smile is back, as is the joy of mastication. and once your dentition is back and your smile and taste of food return, we are again back to square one for getting through the active pain and oral surgery that patient 1 has gone through. another plaque Another painful carry It brings you back to your dentist chair, and you go along and complete the cycle again. C:\Users\home\Downloads\P_20190627_184318.jpg